I’d love to see you naked


Picture Courtesy: artbyem.se

I’d love to see you naked
And a glimpse of your bare spirit,
That is set free.
As it burns in the fire
Fuelled by desire.
I’d love to see the real you,
With each wound time left, that
hurt you, burnt you, bruised you
I’d rather see you wearing nothing but your scars
For each is now a part of you.
Despite your darker side
And the hidden truths
I’d like to see your naked soul
Touch, kiss each spec of grey
You are made of!
And just let you know
How beautiful you are.

March is here!

March is here!
Winter’s gone, how time flies! And spring’s right here,
Of the morning sun and clear skies!
Wish I could stroll the golden sand
Leave behind the watch and it’s band!
Let waves tickle my toes,
Let the sea breeze caress my locks,
That’s perhaps a touch of love~
a longing that lasted for seasons
For such a meaningless pursuit,
That had no logic, no reason!
How I may sit in your embrace and gaze at the stars galore!
And inhale inspiration from the vast  nothingness that lay before!
March is here!
Let’s go to the shore
And bask in sand and sunshine!

Drunk on the idea of you & me

Mundane chaos of that muddled mind,
Worked up and torn apart!
Walked to the goal over an aimless pursuit!
Amid chaos of my muddled mind,
Came and passed,
That night of high spirits!
Leaving behind a trunk full of it!
But what truly haunted my head,
Was the pleasurable hangover!
I thought I was fine,
With lemon and a dash of reality!
But there I was, sane on the face yet
Drunk on the idea of you and me!
I know I didn’t read your eyes wrong,
I know that moment wasn’t just the high!
Perhaps there’s something I fail to understand.
In that tussle of black and white,
Perhaps I know not, where I stand!
Perhaps it’s all in the grey shade,
Of the grey matter, is what may really matter!
How simpler life would be
When not having to pick one of the two
For all would be shades of grey,
All different, yet all a part of me!
How simpler life would be,
When feelings won’t be weighed
On the scales of white & black!
All like the shades of grey ~
Different, yet a part of me!
Lost, disoriented & disillusioned with the world’s black and white,
There was my muddled self,
Sane and steady, yet
Drunk on the idea of you and me!
Perhaps the high was all for a hope!
A hope that someday may the world embrace the grey!

Her love affair with the dream!

Pic: openwalls.com

Pic: openwalls.com

She had a dream!
Inspired by its gleam,
She set out on her journey!
It indeed was a strange love affair
Of courage and fear
Of hope & despair!

The ship of her dreams steered through the waves
Yet often, the storms hit!
She knew she had to be brave,
And continue sailing with determination & grit!

To find lost directions
Or discover new ones!
All that mattered was to continue the journey
And live her love affair
with that cherished dream!

No failure stopped her
Her occasional slow pace didn’t bother her!
She knew what mattered was her ‘self’
And not what the world wanted to make out of her!
Despite many limitations,
Her inspired self, indeed remained unfazed!

She journeyed through the good and bad!
And then came another milestone!
When she realised, how time flew!
A year had passed and her journey still continued!

She took a gasp of fresh air
As she woke up to a blessed dawn!
Memories of yore suddenly came to life!
Of what she missed, of what she left behind…
…as she chased a dream!
In the sad & happy moments few,
What mattered were inspirations new,
Gifted by her most cherished possession
Her love affair with the dream!

There she set out, on yet another journey…
…Of self-discovery
…Of knowing her best & worst!
…Of beating her own bests!
…Of seeking her own truth!
…Of the most beautiful solitude!
A journey of simply being her!
A journey of living and dying each new day,
And let another new day arrive…

with inspirations & gay!
She still has that dream
Inspired by its gleam
She’ll continue to sail and chase
What she calls her cherished dream!

The happy bits of you & me!


Image Courtesy: lifehack.org

Walking aimlessly onto the riverside were the two of us

Driving carefree through roads full of bustle were the two of us

Singing aloud at midnight, high on euphoria & wine were the two of us

Relishing the same silly breakfast each day, were the two of us

Walking home to one another’s warm embrace were the two of us

Having the same old endless merry banters over dinner were the two of us

How joyfully we strolled the road of life!

With your fingers entwined in mine,

We basked in a comfortable silence,

No words could ever define!

Some blessed moment soon, wish we re-lived that time again,

When times of togetherness would greet us every now & then!

When unwinding meant a gentle stroke through my locks,

When joys meant laughing over silly chatters and talks

When love meant a silent gaze into your eyes

And fulfilment, a promise of good hope

That would let us, ‘together’ soar the skies!

How I miss those blessed moments!

How I wish those blessed moments,

Soon turn into a beautiful reality!

When I wake up each morning, not just to the happy sunlight

But to the sight of the mirror, where I’d see ~

The happy bits of you & me!


How conveniently I let you control me

How easy it was for you to hurt me

How confidently you’d rip my credibility into pieces

With your futile arrogance that never ceased!

You looked upon everyone below you as dirt;

With my self-esteem,

Who the hell gave you the right to flirt!

I know my weakness and inadequacy

I ain’t afraid to admit it;

Like you, I can’t simply resort to hypocrisy!

But, I know my grit and strength better;

Dare you mess with that and try to deter!

Thank you for the misery you put me through

I only came out stronger;

Realizing it is ingenuity that you always eschew!

Realizing how miraculously,

I’m free from your slavery!

I no more feel like “A Befooled Human”!

I certainly came out stronger,

Realizing that your blows don’t affect me anymore;

For your opinions, I hardly do care for!

I have indeed come through;

I don’t need “your definition” of me;

For I now know and understand the real me!

I am a free bird set to fly

And I have a beautifully new sky to soar!

Moods of a Brahminy Starling

Except for pigeons and some species of a sunbird, whichever birds I’ve encountered in my neighbourhood, of late, through the camera lens, appear to be violent – Mynas, Starlings, even Bulbuls. If you give a distant look, they’re those little darlings flying here and there, but a closer look at their sharp beak and wild iris tells a completely different story. Vigilant, Angry and Wild.
Take a look at a few different moods of this Brahminy Starling that frequents my neighbourhood.
Bird: Brahminy Starling | Month: July 2014 | Season: Onset of Monsoon | Place: Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat, India



All set to attack

One poke with my beak, and you’re finished Ms. Ant!



Kitne Aadmi They? 😛

Sorry I couldn’t think of anything other than Gabbar’s entry walk and fury, looking at that walking bird! 



Two For Joy

The Plot Thickens my dear Watson! (P.S. – Apologies for the resolution.)



Vigil and Warning

Frantic calls? 


The Piercing Silence

As she lay still on the couch

With her locks fell on the back rest
And her mind sunk into thoughts!
The bird chirped, the clouds roared
The neighbours around gossiped
From Across the verandah ~
There were sounds of kinds all around
But within the house
It seemed like a terrifying silence
that pierced deafness into her!
The slightest of movement
Was heard clear!
Even the creaking of the couch
As she settled herself.
Her eyes shut.
She sunk into thoughts,
Of the times of yore.
She remembered it all.
As rumbling thoughts
in that wandering mind
Played like a movie.
Whether it was the leaves
On the nearby branch,
Run over by the wind;
Or the mason’s hammer
Hitting the neighbourhood’s wall.
It was all heard crystal clear.
Yet, she could hear nothing,
As if a detached Soul!
She was sunk into the depths
Of that silence
And lost into the deeper meanings
Of the movie of memories.

The Night Before Her Wedding


It was 10.30pm and she sat on the couch, making mental calculations of what all she has packed up. Nisha was over particular about timings, arrangements and planning- in short, she was a kind of an orderly-freak!

The Haldi ceremony was over that day itself and the crowd of relatives surrounding and advising her had dispersed. She could finally breathe! Or perhaps not!

As she was just mentally taking stock of her packing once again, she heard mom and dad talking. She went to their room to find them both over different phone calls with family friends, confirming that the arrangements for the Baraatis soon to arrive, are in place.

She smiled and got back to her room. Nisha could lie down and be at ease for the first time since the time she was up. She stared at her luggage bags – all packed and neatly placed in the corner.

She stood up and opened her wardrobe. The shelves were empty. She gave a blank gaze.

It felt as if the most priceless of her memories have been packed up into those bags.

Nostalgia was back.

Nervousness hit again.

Butterflies were suddenly born their normal size in her tummy and they flew all across.

“D-Day!” She thought to herself!

Nisha came back on the bed and made some failed attempts to get sleep.

Irritated, she took her phone, checked for missed calls, SMS, Chats – No updates!

“How the hell do people forget the bride, a night before her wedding..!! The groom too..?? Urgh!”


She punched in the digits on her phone and dialed his number, anxiously waiting for him to answer.

“Hi Darling!” Alan said. It was nearing midnight and he had been travelling. Yet, his voice was sound as a bell and the tone, fresh as a daisy; as if he was eager for a phone call!

“Hi!” She replied. Her voice reflected the relief! Anxiety took a backseat for a while.

“What’s up? All done?” He asked.

“Can you not ask a less complicated question?” said Nisha. She laughed.

“Ah! Well! For a brief moment, I forgot you’re a woman!” said Alan.

“Ya right! Where have you reached?”

“Somewhere at a stage of life where I might soon get married!”

“Oh really! You ‘might’ get married right!” Nisha threw back a stern voice.

“No! Actually! Well, let’s run away man! This is killing me!” said Alan.

“Cool! So the plan is: when I come to the hotel along with mom and dad in an hour or so, just let everyone disperse and we walk out!”

“Deal,” said Alan.

“Shut up Queenie! Stop Dreaming and Go to Sleep! Get some real sleep man! It’s going to get real late for us to reach, you better don’t come with mom-dad and get rested instead..!! Besides, people will make terrible fuss out of us meeting,” he added.

Alan tried but he himself thought why did he even attempt for it!

When Nisha is nervous, she is nervous! Anyone could seldom put sense into her.

“Why does he still try!” She thought to herself!

“Well, that’s exactly the point – I feel like getting away too!! People here have scared the hell out of me!” said Nisha.

“COULDN’T THIS BE ANY EASIER?” she yelled..!!

Nisha and Alan, being surrounded by irritating relatives since a week of their respective leaves from work, were freaked out and frustrated to the core. People came in and offered to help, and in the process began advising!

The argument could go on forever but they both knew nobody wins. Some bitter sweet conversation went on for a while and ended.

Nisha put away the phone thinking, “Why doesn’t sleep just come to me in a flash and doesn’t choose to leave till morning 5.30am!

It was just past midnight and all she could think of, was a tiring next day ahead! Somehow she managed to get her eyelids rested.

The sun rose, the birds chirped and the misty winter sunlight let a beautiful dawn blossom afresh! Everything spoke of the day being beautiful, pleasant and serene – as Nisha thought of her wedding day to be!

The main road near to her house was silent and isolated. There was no major movement or sound except for that of a state transport bus or two. There she stood, dressed up as a beautiful bride, at the roadside, desperately looking at the clock on her phone.

It was sharp 8.30am of a relaxed Sunday morning.

But nothing on Nisha’s face seemed relaxed! She stood still by the roadside and turned her attention to the right with every remote vehicular sound, as if waiting for someone.

Her eyes were vigilantly scanning through each distant movement she saw.

Tired, she sat on the bench nearby. A minute later, a car stopped before her.

She looked up. The front passenger seat’s door opened.

“I’m sorry I’m a bit late like usual. Hop in and We drive away!” said Alan leaning forward and extending his hand.

Nisha smiled and immediately got into the car. Their eyes met, they breathed easy and they exchanged smiles.

“Phew! Thank Goodness!” they said to themselves.

Suddenly there was a screeching sound that almost deafened everything else!


Nisha felt as if her head was spinning and so was everything around her.

“Was it dizziness? Was it an Earthquake?” she thought as she realized Alan’s image getting blurry.

Nisha jumped out of the bed and silenced her alarm clock! It was 5.30am!

She stared in disbelief at the phone clock, to recover from the shock of a ruthless alarm clock ruining her pleasant dream!

She smiled and laughed at the silliness of her dream! She decided to avail ten fifteen minutes extra of that much needed sleep and sunk into the bed, back again.


She punched in Alan’s number, lying lazily on the bed, waiting for him to answer.

“Hmmmm..!!” said his drowsy voice coming from a far away slumberland.

“Morning Sweetheart! You up?” She said in a soft yet drowsy voice.

“Ten mins more, please darling! If I get late, come to pick me up and we’ll run away!”

“Deal. Good night then! See ya soon!”

As those eyes embraced the rain

As the drops of rain poured in

The Sky Roared and the windows clanged

The shutters stuttered

The lights dimmed on and off

Amid the scare and cloudy dark,

Two hopeful eyes smiled in respite

As if a child seeing his first rain!

The two eyes shone bright

There was joy, there was delight.

They open and shut gradually,

As the droplets sprayed.

Age might have wrinkled the lids

But the hopes are fresh

And dreams intact!

Those eyes have seen a lot in time

From Happiness to pain,

Been through Glee and Vain,

And yet they smiled in simplicity –

The life’s only wisdom!

It’s the joy of embracing the rains

After seasons of hard work.

Sitting at the porch

There they saw through the spectacle of time

The beauty of life pouring on them!